Super Powers!

If you could pick one super power to have, which would it be?  Only one now, no cheating.  No over all mutant abilities or anything.  One super power.  It’s a tough call to make for sure.  Super strength would be awesome at times.  So would the ability to fly or teleport.  X-ray vision sounds cool, until you realize you get to see through to peoples bones and not just their clothes.  I guess you could make up a super power too.  Like the ability to talk to ducks or telescopic sight.  Something totally useless but a lot of fun.

Me?  I might pick the ability to fly.  I think that would be a very handy one to have.  I hope, I’m sure there is a draw back somewhere that I’m forgetting.  Like I won’t be able to fly too high due to the pressure so I can only fly at lower heights.  Still, flying might be cool.


15 Responses to “Super Powers!”

  • Password42 Says:

    Telekinesis is the obvious choice for me, hands down.

  • Gaberdude Says:

    I definitely would want the ability to control gravity. I can think of a few “good” things I could do with it right off the bat.

  • ExTyger Says:

    The ability to control, manipulate, and otherwise shape chaotic energy to my will.
    Now, mind you I make a distinction between “Chaotic” “evil” and that only a DnD player can get a grip on.

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    I’d go with the ability to slow down time at will. For instance, I never feel like I’ve got enough hours in the day. Slow down the flow of time whilst I sleep, and compress a good night’s sleep into a fraction of the time! Great for putting aside time to read books, or get through annoying paperwork or chores in the blink of an eye. Better reaction time when gaming!

    Granted, one of the downsides is that it’ll still feel like it takes the same amount of time to do anything, but I’d be left with more overall free time. The world would slow down but I’d still be moving on, meaning I’d seem to age more quickly in the long run compared to everyone else. That, and would end up eating more over the relative week…

  • Mike Says:

    hmmm. i’ve thought about this alot. i’m not sure whether i’d want to fly, or stop time. i suppose stopping time would actually be more useful than flying, cause i could get somewhere “instantly” if i stopped time. it wouldnt be instant for me, but it would be for everyone else. that, and it would be very… advantageous, for other things.

  • Zafo Says:

    I think i would go with super reflexes.
    That would come real handy not only as a super hero
    power but in normal life as well.
    Just think all thsoe videogame tournaments you would won easilly 🙂

  • Blammo! Says:

    Stopping time, in my opinion, might be the ultimate superpower because how many possibilities it presents. Late for work? No problem. DVD store just about to close? No problem. And then there would be advantages if you were in the military, such as disarming enemy soldiers in combat or transporting the wounded. And let’s not mention how kickass it would be to be able to simply take what you want when you want to, without ever leaving a trace.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I would love to have the ability to read thoughts. My whole life I’ve been subjected to people who, at first, seem pleasant and accommodating, only to have them turn into raging a-holes once you engage them in conversation. To able to perceive what they are really like before they open their mouths would be a great advantage to me. This would also come in handy on the internet.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Well, if I can’t have Beast Boy’s powers (from Teen Titans), then I’ll settle with super strength. Like Hulk type strength. Or if I could just change into the Hulk, that would work. lol

  • Humbird0 Says:

    I would like the ability to create time, locally.
    Then I could have as much spare time as I want and spend as long as I want on anything without having to worry about running out of daylight.

    The drawback?
    I would need to have enough food and make enough money to buy it.

  • TheRiddled Says:

    Telekinesis. Ladies and gentlemen,telekinesis has the potential to be the singular most powerful superpower ever without being patently story-breaking. Is it made of matter? If so,you can manipulate it remotely. Of course,the scale and power of it is determined by the writer,but the possibility still exists. And I’d use it like a boss. I can use it to emulate flight and super strength,primarily. And,of course,to get things that are out of reach.

  • Chakat Firepaw Says:

    Well, my real choice would likely be the same one my fursona has: Shi is a hypercognitive focused on science and invention.

    Gadget pool FTW! (And since hir being a Chakat is due to a lab accident[1], the rest of it is still a possibility.)

    Then again, you couldn’t go too wrong with the Scribe’s Gate: The ability to get things in and out of stories could be incredibly fun. Doubly so if you remember that you can write and/or commission stories containing anything you want.

    [1] The Dimensional Overlay Device now has a filter to block biological engineering.

  • Jive Guru Says:

    Does the ability to absorb other super powers from other people count? XD

  • infernalperson Says:

    I’m surprised no one has mentioned mind control yet. Although I’d be hesitant to actually ask for it; I’d either be too shy to use it, or I’d go supervillain almost immediately, heh.

  • Zagan Says:

    Psychokinesis sounds like a good all-around power to have. Use it on yourself to fly (or float or levitate), use it on other things to push or pull, and hit them quick and hard enough and PK becomes a projectile out of nowhere.

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