Ask Me a Question

So yesterday I made a post wondering about you visitors.  Those that wished to answered and I think that’s totally awesome!  I love the feed back that you all give.  I don’t always answer, but I read everyone.  Since yesterday was sort of an open ended question to all of you, I’d like to turn the tables here.  If any of you out there want to ask me a question regarding… well… anything you’ve been wondering about me, what or who I draw, my opinion of “X”, what I do or… anything else you might want to know about me, ask right now.  I’m pretty open to just about anything and it takes a lot to offend me so don’t hold back.  If you’re not cool with leaving a question in a reply, then feel free to ask in an email.  I’ll pick out the questions and answer them in full proper post for all to see.

Until then… I need to get back to some drawings. ^_^

9 Responses to “Ask Me a Question”

  • Mike Says:

    uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh so much pressure for a good question. oh, i know. you were saying something about a tinkerbell gallery type thing, whats the news on that? how far are you? are we close to seeing it yet?

  • lamar dunlap Says:

    Who is your absolute all time favorite female cartoon character.

  • Zafo Says:

    How is that set with Tinkerbell and other fairys set comming allong?:)

  • Jode Says:

    Just wondering why you draw what you do. You have incredible skills, your composition is great, lighting is outstanding, colouring is spot on. Just because you enjoy it? Why did you start? How long have you done it? Do you still remember your first try?

  • John M Hanna Says:

    If you could reboot any cartoon series, which one and why?

  • JJ Says:

    Well, there are a bunch of questions that I’d like to ask, but I’ll keep it to just a few, and let you decide which ones to answer (if any). Some of these may seem weird. It is not my intention to either pry or put you in an awkward position, so feel free to totally ignore me if you think they are out-of-bounds. In the interest of fairness, I haven’t included any questions that I would be unwilling to answer.

    -Is there any subject matter or character that you’d like to draw, but refrain from doing so because of what people might think or for some other reason? If so, what/who is it?
    -Has anyone that you know in real life ever found out about your hobby and, if so, what was their reaction?
    -Who is your favorite unoriginal character to draw?
    -Who is your favorite character (classic or artist original) to view in others’ naughty artwork?
    -Do you ever find your own artwork, uh… exciting?
    -How did you initially tell your wife of your hobby?
    -Were you nervous to first share your work on the internet?
    -Has drawing naughty art influenced or improved your non-naughty artwork?

    I’m never short on questions and could go on for a while, but this is a good representation of the ones that I thought of.

  • oomu Says:

    hmm questions ?

    first, the most important question everyone should ask to her/himself:

    – are you happy in life ? are you doing what is really important to you ?

    Now fun questions :

    – what is your favorite character ?

    – how did you settle between drawing Tinkerbell in crazy erotic situations (I think of the impressive bukkake one) and the progressive and pro-active character she is in disney products ? (the newer cartoons)

    Still I wonder if you thought about she is a role-model (She is a tinker, essentially an engineer. at disney she is unique) or only she is sexy ?

    why the question : She is beautiful and sexy character in your drawings and I would lie if I was telling otherwise, I’m looking forward for your book.
    In a way, I hope you will also draw her in control, active, loving someone she would care for.

    Pinkie pie or Twilight ?

    Sally Acorn or Amy Rose ?

    did you always draw ?

    can I commission you for a tutorial ? (explaining technics you use, for example shading, or how you use pencils or softwares)

    do you authorize the use of the random squirrel girl’s design ?

  • ExTyger Says:

    Here’s one that is rather off beat from what everyone else has asked up to this point:

    – What’s your take on the US internet security crisis? PIPA, SOPA, and CISPA may be US issues, but they have global implications. Do you feel that this sort of techno law-and-order helps more then it hurts; protecting artists like yourself from material theft? Or does it oppress good people into submission while doing nothing to stop real criminals?
    Do you care about it at all? [I know some people who just… don’t!]

  • RedRedRed Says:

    I remember you said that there was a problem with one of your pieces on deviant art because of the younger looking character. Do you have issues with this often? What is your opinion on loli and the current laws surrounding it? (or similar art types)

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