Sorry for the no Post

Ugh, I sure did feel like crap yesterday.  We’ve been having a heat wave here in Southern Ontario and I’m pretty sure that I let myself get really dehydrated yesterday.  I don’t remember drinking a lot during the day as I did my work.  I mean, I have a bottle of water at my desk and I remember filling it but I don’t remember drinking much of it.  I was so focused on my work tasks it never occurred to me to drink more.  Then I went home and helped Wife empty and clean out the pool because there was some glass in it (long story… don’t ask).  I might have had a drink then, but only one.  Anyway, by then end of the night I realized what I had done to myself  but it was too late.  I felt horrible and nauseous and went straight to bed.

It’s sort of crazy how we neglect our bodies sometimes.  It’s not like drinking a glass of water would have taken much time out of my day, and yet I kept on putting it off.  So let this be a lesson to you (and me), make sure you drink properly during the day or your body will hate you for it.

5 Responses to “Sorry for the no Post”

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    Ugh, I can sympathise. I often get annoying little headaches that just won’t go away if I find I’ve not been drinking enough during the day, even if I don’t feel thirsty.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Hope you’re feeling better Joe. In the meantime, check out The new site is up and running with a lot of new cartoons. More are coming up in the future.

  • Mike Says:

    man, i know what you’re talking about with the heat. its been in the hundreds for the past three days. and i live in a place where it normally only makes it into the 90’s a few times a year. be more careful, we cant have you hurting yourself.

  • JJ Says:

    Man, take care. The heat can really take it out of you. Hope that the heat-wave doesn’t last too long for you, and that you get a chance to rest up. Hoping you feel better.

  • wackett Says:

    If I ought to hint, I’d say one among first symptomes are intensifying feelings of exhaustion, either physical or mental. Especially in days with high temperature

    When this happens to me I know it’s good time to replenish the liquids, no matter if I feel thirsty or not.
    I’d preferrably suggest with mild temperature, drinking, since cold beverages can cause thermal shock (and possibly hiccup may follow as result)

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