My New Camera

I’ve been putting this post off for a bit so I could have some substance to it, but I think I can do it now.  For Fathers Day I received a new camera.  Yay!  It’s a Canon PowerShot SX40 HS and I think it’ll replace our old one very nicely.  It’s not a super high end professional camera, it seems to be just one below that.  So we can still point and shoot very easily but I can try some fancy stuff too. Looks like it has most of the features our old one did, with some news ones too.  Plus it has a 35x built in optical zoom.  That’s crazy awesome and just what I’ve been looking for too because I hate feeling like I’m to far away to get a good shot.

The camera was actually a special deal at the time so it came with a case and a mini tripod for about $10 or $20 more then it would normally.  I thought that was a pretty sweet deal since most cases will cost you a lot more then that.

As strange as it sounds, I love to take pictures of flowers.  This camera allows me to take nice close up of them.

These two flower pics came from my wife’s garden.

I’m looking forward to taking pictures of my old toys with this new camera.  I still have quite a few of them.  Until then, these three will have to do.

One things this camera does that that tilt shift effect that other photographers are doing.  It’s a pretty neat thing as it makes everything look all miniature.

These where taken from the top of my work building.  I wonder if anyone recognizes what city these are from?

Another feature is called “toy camera” and it gives the photo a darkened halo on the edges.  Not sure why it’s called toy camera though.  Maybe it mimics a pin hole camera?

I also got a few firework pics from Canada Day the other night.  I’d never taken firework pictures before, so I was quite impressed how well they came out.

The firework photo from yesterday’s post as also taken with my camera.

So I can honestly recommend the Canon SX40 HS after using it these past few weeks.  It’s pretty damn awesome with out being intimidating like the ones the pros use.  Some times you can find a demo version available for you to play with at camera stores.  Try it and you’ll see what I mean.  If you’re looking for a new camera, I suggest you check this one out.

2 Responses to “My New Camera”

  • TheRiddled Says:

    Montreal? Also,amazing photos. That camera must be of some serious quality. Got any lenses,like a telephoto lens or a fisheye?

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    No fancy camera for me – whilst I do understand a reasonable amount about exposure, shutter speed, composition and all of that, I simply cannot hold a camera steady to save my life. That, and I spend too much time indoors rather than out.

    I simply love tilt-shift shots though, *especially* that first example you posted!

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