New Clothing

When was the last time you bought yourself new clothing.  If it wasn’t for my wife I’d probably still be wearing what ever I had out of college.  I tend not to buy myself new things to wear.  It’s just not a priority for me.  I generally wait for Christmas to cash in on socks and boxers too.  The reason that bring this up is that I just received in the mail a new Super Mario shirt that I was able to get for free with my Club Nintendo Points.  Before this, I couldn’t tell you when I actually went out and bought myself something to wear.  Who knows what I’d look like if I wasn’t married. ^_^

3 Responses to “New Clothing”

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    I try to avoid buying clothes unless I really have to – even if I see something that I like that’s at a decent price, I always feel like I’ve got more than enough clothes already in the closet. That, and between birthday/christmas, the surplus slowly grows. On the bright side, I get to pre-approve any clothing bought with the intention of being given to me as a present, so at least there’s no ugly sweaters or the like!

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I buy new socks and underwear regularly. They wear out before anything else. I have tons of shirts and pants so I rarely need to buy new clothes.

  • JJ Says:

    Actually, I used to really enjoy keeping up with what was fashionable and buying clothing. Unfortunately, in the past few years I’ve put on some weight, and have since stopped buying what looks good. Now it is whatever is comfortable and respectable, rather than what wears well. As far as when the last time I bought some clothing was… guess it was last year sometime. Needed some shirts and shorts for the summer. **Note to self: Get to the gym!**

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