Japanese Man Arrested for Selling Smutty Drawings

I read this article today regarding a man in Japan that drew some smutty drawings on commission and then got arrested for them.  Why?  Did he get busted on drawing parody characters?  Was he drawing loli drawings?  No, that’s not why he found himself in hot water.  What did it was the drawings where not censored.  As many of you may know, in Japan it is illegal to sell or distribute uncensored pornography.  It’s not illegal to own it, just to sell it.  That’s gotta suck.  Being in the business of smutty drawings myself, I feel for the guy.

How much was he selling his drawings for?  $19 bucks.  That it, he’s got himself arrested for $19 of uncensored porn that he drew himself.  I realize that the law is the law and he broke a rule, but the censorship of art and free speech is just wrong.  To tell someone what they can and can’t draw or write frees draconian to me.  I don’t care what the subject is.  Could you imagine if all my work had to be censored?  I don’t think would even bother to be honest.

I wonder what the pictures where of… (no, the drawing above is not one of those drawings)

8 Responses to “Japanese Man Arrested for Selling Smutty Drawings”

  • Mike Says:

    which is why i dislike japanese porn, cause its always censored, making it far less appealing than it would otherwise be. that, and if its not sub’d/dub’d then i cant understand it lol.

  • Shadowmutt Says:

    How about instead of selling porn commissions, you sell “used sheets of drawing paper, which may or may not have material that is explicit. Buyer Discretion Advised”? 😉

  • Oomu Says:

    It’s very sad. To arrest people for nothing is immoral.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I always found it odd that Japan fuzzes out vaginas and penises, but beyond that everything else is okay. Vagina/penis = bad, tentacle rape/scat/gore = acceptable.

  • mattys123 Says:

    was it Mark Crilley, that’s who drew the display image, i watch his videos all the time

  • JJ Says:

    This law makes no sense from any angle (economically, morally, instrumentally… you name it). Hopefully cases like this highlight the ridiculousness of such laws, and people start jettisoning them. I saw a post on this over at Kotaku (I think) and was terribly disappointed by the first comment that was shown (though, I wasn’t surprised by this comment, which just compounds my disappointment). It was something like, ‘he deserved it for breaking the law.’ Which quickly evolved into ‘it is a stupid law, but the law is the law and he was wrong for breaking it.’ I hate ignorant comments like this. Whoever posted it clearly didn’t give much thought to it. Yet, I hear stuff like this all of the time (not just on the internet). I can’t imagine that this person would have said the same thing of a slave trying to escape from ‘legal’ slavery. Though, I should have learned by now to never underestimate the moral/ethical incompetence of people. (sorry for the overly negative tone of this post, but stupid/illegitimate laws and people’s blind adherence to them drives me nuts)

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