Bad Gifts

So, what do you do if you get a bad gift?  Well, not really a bad gift… a gift you don’t really have a use for or want.  We all get them and we all try our best to look like we love what ever it is, but really we’re thinking “what am I going to do with this”.  I never have the heart to return things as I feel it’s an insult to the person that gave it.  Plus there’s the chance they’ll ask about it later… and then what do you say.  I’ve never “re-gifted” something, although I have joked about it.  Poor gift choices for me usually just sit around in a box for years and then Goodwilled later down the road.

What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received?  I’m pretty easy to shop for as I like video games and such, but I do hate it when relatives give art or nicknacks that don’t match your house.  I, as a rule, don’t buy that stuff for others as I don’t know how others decorate and I don’t want to give something that doesn’t mesh with with their house.  Sometimes I’ll get a shirt or something that I probably won’t wear.  My wife received a turtle lamp one year… that was… interesting for sure.  Not sure what ever happened to that over the years.

5 Responses to “Bad Gifts”

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    There was one year when I’d just started high school, when I received a Christmas present from an uncle that was some silly toy for like, five year olds. And my younger brother who was of that age, got… something else that I can’t remember, but more appropriate for my age group at the time instead. I had something of a ‘wtf?’ reaction at the time, but looking back, I figure they probably just got the two mixed up when wrapping them or something. I think I just rolled my eyes for the most part and didn’t make a fuss, as my younger brother would’ve probably gotten upset at having his ‘cooler’ present taken away from him.

  • Jive Guru Says:

    I got a deck of novelty zombie playing cards from my best friend two Christmases ago among a small assortment of other trinkets, and I don’t even play cards that often… and he KNOWS this! XD

    Personally, I think he just panicked at the last minute and bought some stuff on a whim… though I don’t know why cause I’m super easy to buy for and he knows what I like.

    On another tangent somehow some of my other friends got the impression that I was obsessed with Spongebob Squarepants and they kept giving me stuff related to the show for like 3 years in a row… I don’t even really like the show much.

    Sometimes…. I just don’t get it. XD

  • TheRiddled Says:

    Clothes. I have so many that Iactually ended up bursting a drawer once trying to put away laundry. It’s gotten to the point where I had to tell the parents that I don’t need any more clothes,repeatedly and flat out,before ant time where I might recieve gifts.

    Clothes were the only gift that I felt that I “didn’t like”,primarily because most people tend to ask me for a list of things before they go shopping for me,or they give me money,or gift cards for the book store (I’m a heavy reader) or the nearest place that has a decent library of PC games. If I did get a gift that I’d never use though…I’d probably tuck it away somewhere,and find a way to get that gift to change hands to someone who may want it. Unless it’s clothes. I keep those for when my current clothes start to disintegrate with age.

    Hilariously,all my “bad” possessions were errors on my part. I think I’m making an educated decison,and when I open the book,or play the game for a bit,I go “Dammit…” and finish it to get my money’s worth. I’m still trying to get rid of my copy of Supreme Commander 2. Worst dollar I’ve ever spent.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    One year I asked for an AC/DC album for Christmas. I got an Air Supply album instead. Never asked my family to buy music for me again.

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