Nothing to Report

Man, there is nothing to post about as of late.  There is no sexy game news to report on.  I’m waiting for Polymorphous Perversity to finish so I can try it out and give a review on it.  I have drawings I’m working on, but nothing to show off right now.  I haven’t put together my monthly erotic artist post yet.  Even regular game news is sort of dry right now.

So… what did you have for dinner tonight?  I had tacos.

9 Responses to “Nothing to Report”

  • TheRiddled Says:

    I had Kraft Dinner…Such is the meal of a college student. At least tomorrow I should be able to get some pork or steak downrange,with some rice and veggies,but…These days it’s KD…And thirty sit-ups a night to keep from turning into a blob.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    My brother and I went to Chinese buffet style restaurant after seeing ‘Prometheus’ the other night. I don’t think we’ll be going back to this particular place though. It had a pretty substandard cleanliness ethic.

  • JJ Says:

    Hard or soft shelled? Tacos sound good. Might have to make a taco dinner this weekend.

    Last night, we had a chicken fajita pizza with pesto for sauce and a honey crust. Turned out pretty well.

  • Jive Guru Says:

    Lasagna Hamburger Helper… yup.

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