Sexy Toys for Games

Did you buy Diablo III?  I did not.  But if you did, there stands a chance that you are currently neglecting your lady friend.  Alone, she waits for you… but you’re too busy with your new love. If this sounds like you, then don’t worry because Absoloo has got your back.  Absoloo is a French online adult toy company that is giving away a small vibrator to those that bought Diablo III to keep the Mrs. “playing” too.  All you have to do is post a picture of you and the game box on facebook and notify Absoloo of the photo.  They will then pass along to you voucher code for the vibrator.  They made the official post about this on the company blog, it is in French though so some up us might have a hard time reading it. ^_^

Oh, this offer is only available until the 28th of May so hurry up!

2 Responses to “Sexy Toys for Games”

  • Humbird0 Says:

    The ironic thing is that all the women I know are likely to be the ones buying the game.

  • JJ Says:

    @ Humbirdo: Too bad the offer isn’t available here, they could score both the game and the toy.

    I fully endorse moves like this. I recognize that it is not Blizzard endorsed, but the fact that someone is doing this is great. I loved when Rez came out with their vibrator (though, they claim it was for non-sexual purposes, which I find hard to believe). More companies should do this type of thing, and not just for gimmicky reasons. For example (you’ve probably already seen this):

    Make me wonder if anyone has developed ‘for couples’ games an peripherals. I know that Japan has masturbatory games+toys, but do they have games to enhance interpersonal sexual encounters?

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