Guest Art for Fur After Dark

Some time last year I was asked my Mr. Eric Schwartz to do a guest piece for Fur After Dark.  Since he and I seem to share the same kink of messy, messy toon facials, I decided to use his character Sheila as my subject and I’m quite happy how it turned out.  I felt quite honoured to be ask to be a guest artist at one of my favorite artists site.  Eric loved my piece and said it would be cool if I did up another one.  I’ve yet to have the time to do one unfortunately.  Eric, if you visit here, I’d love to do up another pic and I apologize for not being able to do one sooner.  Also, if anyone else wants a guest artist, all you have to do is ask. ^_^

It doubles as a night light?  Cool!  I want one!  What is it?

4 Responses to “Guest Art for Fur After Dark”

  • JJ Says:

    The two of you working together/on each other’s characters is 100% A-ok in my book (how you handle Eric’s characters is great, and I’d love to see him do one of yours). Was really excited (and a bit surprised–as in I totally didn’t expect it) to see this piece pop up over at FaD last year, and have been looking forward to more. I was wondering, though, why you didn’t announce (obviously, not release) this guest piece here at the time. Seems like it would have been good publicity for both of you. Anyway, I hope you get a chance to do more guest work over there.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      I’m glad you like this piece. It came out well and Eric really liked it too, which made me very happy. To be honest, I totally forgot I had this on my laptop. I was stumped on what to post last night when I found it and though… sure why not. I’m glad I did. ^_^

  • John M Hanna Says:

    You and Eric are two top notch artists.

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