Friday the 13th

I just realized that yesterday was Friday the 13th.  The most unlucky day of days during the years and I missed it.  Oh well, I’m not really superstitious, I could care less really but I know that some out there really go in for this sort of stuff.  I think it’s interesting how some of these superstitions came to be or how long some of them have been around or even how somethings are bad luck in some cultures and good luck in others.  Like how the number 13 isn’t bad luck in Japan, it’s the number 4 or how at one point black cats where considered good luck to sailors.  Fascinating!

Are you a superstitious individual or do yo know others that are?

4 Responses to “Friday the 13th”

  • JJ Says:

    Not at all. In fact, I was shocked the othe day, when a colleague said that the plane he was flying on had no 13th row. We both joke about how strange it is to hold on to these traditions, and speculated (jokingly) that aliens would find us irrational if they ever visited. Immagine finding the voyager plates, decoding them, thinking “hey, these chaps seem decent. They sent us a greeting and notes on their culture. Let’s visit them.,” then finding a bunch of people afraid of having a 13th floor, or whatever.

    Don’t get me wrong, I find them absolutely fastinating, but don’t get those who take them seriously. For instance, I have a habit of knocking on wood when appropriate, but I don’t think there is some metaphysical connection to that and whatever transpires. Rather, it is a psychological comfort for me, and I recognize it as nothing more.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Sometimes I think everyday is Friday the 13th for me.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I had an awesome day on friday! I didn’t have to work that day, I grilled some steaks, and I even managed to ask a girl out on a date. Forget unlucky, Friday the 13th is now my lucky day!

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