Colors! 3D

So an app for the 3DS has been released and I’ve been waiting for this one for a while now.  It’s called Colors! 3D and it allows you to paint pictures on the 3DS with 5 levels of 3D.  It’s not a Photoshop replacement by any means, but I am excited to see if I can paint some naughty/sexy 3D paintings.  I’ll be able to share them with people via Swap Note on the 3DS.  Any requests or suggestions? ^_^

5 Responses to “Colors! 3D”

  • Mike Says:

    Ping and Pong, Random Squirrel Girl, and Jeanette. oh, and Roxanne from the goofy movie

  • JJ Says:

    Any possibility that you could post some of them on the blog? So that those of us without 3DSs might enjoy them as well.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      I imagine that once I get enough of them I’ll do a small showing on the blog for all to see.

      • JJ Says:


        (I’m only leaving this part because the site refused just “Sweet!” as not long enough to be meaningful. Not sure what it requires. Maybe it would have preferred “Radical” or “Most excellent,” but I think it is just biased against short replies. Too bad. Sometimes they are the most meaningful.)

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