Birthday rundown – post 2

So would like to know what I did on my birthday?


Well I’m going to tel you anyway.

First I should let people know that when you have young kids birthdays are different then when you don’t have kids.  You spent your day with your family rather then out partying and such.  So I wake up and the first thing we had to do was take our daughter to her dance class.  After that we took her to a Valentines Day party that one of her friends was throwing.  After that we went to a Chinese Buffet and ate ourselves stupid.  On a side note, I happen to notice that the amount of actual Chinese food compared to everyday type food was a little lop sided in favour of everyday type food.  Which made me think that the only reason this was called a Chinese Buffet was the fact that it was owned and run by Chinese.  Anyway, regardless the food was great and I would totally go there again.  Oh, and I fill up the Chinese food since it is a Chinese Buffet.

Okay so after that we went and saw a live performance of The Backyardigans.  It was lots of fun.  I should mention that The Backyardigans is a CG animated children’s show with a hippo, penguin, moose, kangaroo and a… pink thing.  They sing songs and play pretend in their backyard.  But see, the songs are really good.  Each episodes songs are done in a different style like, Hip Hop, Country, 1920’s Jazz, Swing, Rockabilly or Italian folk.  The list goes on an on…  Plus the whole show is really, really well done.  My wife and I love it more then the kids I think ^_^

Anyway, the live show was lots of fun.  After that we went home and made some home made funnel cakes which failed miseItrably.  Put the kids to bed watched a movie and went to bed.  That was it, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Did I get any presents?  Just one.  My daughter drew me a picture of our whole family.  I cried a little when I opened it and I’ll keep it forever.

That was my birthday.

One of the best ones so far.

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