It’s My Friggn Birthday Today!

Woo!  I made it through another year!  As of today, I’m 35 years old.

Dang… I’m 35 years old. o_O It’s strange when I sit and think about it.  I mean, I’m a 35 year old man.  I never would have imagined the things that I’d be doing at this time.  When I was young I figured when you got old you got boring.  Watch the news every night and read the paper the next day.  Sit around with other adults and talk or play cards.  You know… adult stuff.  But instead I draw porn in my spare time and love it!  Not only do I still play video games, I make them too!  I don’t feel like I should be 35 at all.  Not sure what age I should feel like, I guess I just feel like… me.  And I’m happy with that.

So do you want to know what I did on this birthday?  Well, I decided to take the day off work and my family let me sleep in.  Then when the kids couldn’t wait any more Wife let them wake me up and bring me my presents.  They where so excited to give them to me.  Why?  Because like them, I enjoy getting toys as gifts.

This year I received two new Lego Minifigs from series 6 (sleepy guy and the flamenco dancer), a kilogram bag of Big Foot’s (yeah baby), other Nintendo related candies, Mario Galaxy 2 and Aliens: Colonial Marines: Infestation for DS.  I can’t wait to play that one.  I love WayForward games and retro pixel games.  Heck, you all probably don’t know it but I’ve been a pixel artist and animator for my whole video game career.  I should probably do some naughty pixel work sometime.

We then went out for brunch and then dropped the kids off at school.  I played some of my new Mario game, the kids came home and then we had supper with some homemade birthday cake that the kids helped to make.

On Thursday’s Wife watches Grey’s Anatomy.  Nuts to that man!  It’s my birthday so we’re watching The Dark Knight.  Yup, it’s been a pretty good birthday day.  Can’t complain at all.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to say thank you to all the people the have wished me a happy birthday on Facebook so I don’t look like a dick.

Aliens Colonial Marines : Infestation

12 Responses to “It’s My Friggn Birthday Today!”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Happy Wombmancipation Day! You’re really not that old yet, I mean scientifically you are in mid life at around 45-50 so you are still in your prime!

    Not only that, but you seem to be living the dream! A salute goes out to you, and here’s to many more fun filled years! Huzzah!

  • Andreas Says:

    As I’ve already written elsewhere: Congratulations, mast… Joe! 😀

    35 years is nothing. Unless you live very unhealthily or have really bad luck you can have another 40-50-60 years as a professional artist ahead of you! ^^

  • Humbird0 Says:

    I heard the Aliens game was a little like Metroid.
    I played a bit of it.
    It’s a lot more linear than most metroid games.
    But the art is impressive for pixel art.
    The subtleties in the animation somewhat remind me of Super Metroid.

    Anyway, I have a different way of looking at older people.
    I don’t think a person seeming boring has anything to do with age. It’s more of a generational thing. People like what they like, and tend to stick with it. I’ll probably be making naughty 2d flash games longer after flash (supposedly) dies.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Dude, I love pixel art. In fact, I’m a pixel artist myself. It’s pretty much what my 10 year career in games has been. Classically trained animator/artist and a self trained pixel artist. So games like this are right up my alley. I can’t wait to play it. ^_^

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Happy birthday Joe! I’m older than you and I still like getting toys for my birthday and Christmas. Believe me, no one in the history of the universe has ever considered socks and underwear the best gift they ever got.

  • JJ Says:

    Happy belated birthday! Looks like you hauled in a pretty good b-day stash. Though, you’ll have to fill in the more ignorant of us… what is a Big Foot?

    Here’s wishing you at least 35 health/happy more trips round the sun!


    • Joe Randel Says:

      What’s a Big Foot? Where the heck are you from? Are Big Foot candies a Canadian candy? Well, imagine the Sweetish Berry candies only in the shape of a foot with a big ol’ toe. They’re super tasty. ^_^ Sounds like I’ll need to do a snack swap in the next few months to introduce people to Big Foot candy.

      • JJ Says:

        Actually, not to far (originally) from where you are from. Just across one of those boarder lakes/rivers.

        I’d be game for a snack swap. Though, I may require a rain check since most of the snacks that I am used to/prefer are from my youth, and are not local to my current address.


        • JJ Says:

          Correction ‘border,’ not ‘boarder.’ I didn’t mean to imply that the lakes are somehow paying rent for living accommodations.

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