bunrination- post 207

Tonight my wife made cornish pasties for supper. Mmmmm super tasty pasty ^_^

The taste reminded of a dinner I had with her parents early in our relationship, but it wasn’t so much the taste of that past dinner but what happened during it that made it memorable. Her parents had made meat pies and we where all sitting and talking at the dinner table. Young me, not thinking, cut in to my pie and took a rather large bite only to instantly remember that said pie had just come out of the oven. So there I am sitting at the dinner table with a salty, meaty magma in my mouth not sure what to do next. I didn’t want to spit it out at the table and I wasn’t yet comfortable with the family to just get up and go get some paper towel to spit in to in another room. I couldn’t even excuse myself to the bathroom because my mouth was full of food.

So I sat there and did my best to choke down the food as quickly as I could and had a drink afterwords. Once dinner was over I went to the bathroom and discovered I had not just burned my mouth but I have scorched it to the point where layers of skin where hanging down from the top of it. My tongue had the strangest texture to it and nothing tasted right for about two weeks. It’s something I’ll never forget.

So yeah… cornish pasties… very tasty, but with it come horrific memories.

Anyone else out there with a 3rd degree burnt mouth story?

One Response to “bunrination- post 207”

  • fire_wire91387 Says:

    Pizza Pockets. Anyone who’s ever eaten one right out of the microwave knows precisely what a burnt mouth is like. My parents thought I loved that stuff and gave it to me everyday when I was a kid. And me being the idiot I was (am) ate it without letting it cool. I think the longest my mouth was continually burnt was about a month and a half.

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