Well, it’s not my birthday any more…

Oh man… it’s since February since I made a post?  Damn!  Where have I been?  Living life mostly.  My second baby was born in March.  Yay for being a Dad, again ^_^  I’ve moved from Montreal back to Ontario for a job and I must say, what a job it is.  I’m pretty much doing everything that my previous studio wouldn’t let me do.  Try and keep a low ceiling over my head will you.  HA!  Last I heard, they had to hire 3 new artists to replace me.  Yup… I’m a work horse.

Well, it’s been a long while since I’ve drawn anything.  Not because I didn’t want to, oh no.  Mostly due to a lack of time.  Moving and having two kids will do that to a guy.  But I want to get back in to it again, just a little bit.  I do miss drawing my porn.  It’s why I bought my tablet PC after all.  I must admit I did try a few times back in the summer but time got the better of me.  My latest pic actually sat in my tablet since May I think, waiting for me to paint it.  I finally found some time and put it all together.  And what a pic it turned out to be.  I’m very happy with it. ^_^  Although I must admit that when I’m painting most pics I usually think “Yeah!  Paint in lots of spooge!” and I’m always happy with it as I it.  But after I almost always wish I had of painted in more.  I should have really filled Jeanette up.  Oh yeah.  I’ve got a Elenore pic planed for later, I’ll have to not hold back on that one ^_^.

Oh, I’m also working on a new adult game review.  It’ll be a MAME game this time.  Look for it next week or so. ^_^

5 Responses to “Well, it’s not my birthday any more…”

  • mamefreak Says:


    Have been checking the RSS feed for you page everyday for ages.

    congrats on the new kid and job


  • Dreamcatcher Says:

    Unbelievable… is it a Dream?!
    Welcome back, Joe!

    Congrats on the second kid (is it a boy or girl? i am sure its a boy) and the new job!

    Very nice pic again =)! I like Chipmunks.
    Is it also possible to see new Art about Lola Bunny someday? 😮

  • Jevs Says:

    Hey there Joe, I been following your work ever since i first discovered jabarchives… aprox 4 years a go or so, and im amazed how good your work was, and how much better(it’s not a misstype) it has become… your art has gone from good, over great to exceptionel… can’t wait for your to reach “Divine” 🙂 … but until then, ill be watching your every move… hehe… oh yea… almost forgot, congratulations with the newborn, hope he/she is, and will always be, healthy, strong and well

  • mike Says:


    and WELCOME BACK!:mrgreen::grin:

  • Tiquitoc Says:

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    See you! and again, Thank to back!!!:shock::???::smile::grin::mrgreen:

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