I think it's done sucking now – post 340

Guh… I think the suck is finally over.

This week has been nothing but stress. Let’s see… so far this week the breaks in the van failed while my wife was driving it. Luckily they failed but then started to work again so she’s okay. So the van went back to Canadian Tire so we could yell at them because they put the new break pads on in December. So apparently what happened is the emergency break line snapped and caught something which caused the regular breaks to fail. But according to the dealership, Canadian Tire probably opened and adjusted something that they shouldn’t have which caused the emergency breaks to do what they did. We where going to confront them on it but our dealership told us that their is no proof that Canadian Tire did anything wrong because it is possible for something like this to happen… just highly unlikely. Oh and the best part was when the guy at Canadian Tire told us that your emerg break line can snap if not used enough. We told him we use ours to which he then said, “it can also snap if used too much”.

So yeah… fuck you Canadian Tire and the $500 you cost me for your screw up.

Let’s see… next we got a huge amount of rain in my area and a super quick thaw. No… you don’t understand. We pretty much lost all our snow in the course of one day or so. Add that to my basement and you get another flood. “But, Joe” you say “don’t you have a sump pump?”. Yup… but it died. When I don’t know. I think it’s been dead for about a year. See the hole that the sump pump sits in is crazy deep, so I’m guessing that during the other parts of the year there isn’t enough water collected in the hole to flood anything. So yeah, had to go buy a new sump pump with money from my brother in law’s pay check. Frig…

Mix that up with arguments with my wife on my birthday AND the next day too and it all adds up to a suck ass week.

I hope it’s done now because I know I am. I hope you all have been having a better week then me. Not that that’s hard to do at this point.

3 Responses to “I think it's done sucking now – post 340”

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Yikes! Hopefully things are going to look up for you after all that. My worst birthday experience? I had to go to court, ON MY BIRTHDAY! I lost my case too. Sucks.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Dude, that does suck. Yeah im with John above me in hopeing things get better soon. I know how you feel, just know that we internet folk are here for ya.

  • EGO Says:

    Someone will do it, if for no other reason then they can. Genetic engineering is to easy, and to cheap to do. Someone WILL do it, for better or worse. Though it probably wont happen for another few decades.

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