if your game ain't sexy – post 170

People will find a way to do so.

I remember hearing about how the first thing that people new with a new piece of technology is figure out how to do naughty or sexy things with it.

So true.

The most current example I’ve seen is in Soul Caliber 4’s character creator.  Leave it to perv-o’s around the world to not only begin to make sexy maid characters to fight with but pose them around for sexy shots.

Ahhhh…  This kind of thing makes me smile.  Why?  Because it just shows that sex is more apart of us then what most like to believe or want to believe.  Sexiness  is fun and should be fun, it’s a shame that there are people out there that look down on this kind of thing.

Way to go perv-o’s.  Way to help keep the world sexy ^_^

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