cutest DS game evar! – post 205

Way back in post.. um… post 107 I think…I talked about a cute DS game where you rise/train a little bear girl at the zoo. It’s super cute and has a cast of other wonderfully designed characters like, a bunny girl, a cheetah girl, cat girl and a very endowed cow girl. Oh yeah ^_^

It’s being developed by VanillaWare and get’s released this week in Japan. I’m going to down load it for sure and try it out on one of those R4 cards and I’ll let you know how it is later. Until then you can travel to the site of the artist for the game and check his art (which I think I saved all of) and even see a new trailer of the game. It looks just awesome and is all hand animated. Beautifully animated I must say too.

I hope like hell this comes out over here. An instant buy for me ^_^

Oh the game’s site has a bunch of desktop images as well. Yay!

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