Feb 9th is my birthday and I'm going to die

So last year at my birthday I stated that my 31st year is a little freaky for me. See when I was 6 couldn’t see me living past the age of 31 (or 32). Possibly because I was only 6 and 31 seemed like an eternity but now that my birthday is right around the corner I’m seriously afraid that this is my last year of life. Now it should be known that I’m in good health, I don’t drink, smoke, do drugs, I don’t eat much junk. I have only 11% body fat (so says my doctor) although I don’t exercise much. But that’s not counting the bus that could take me out one day ^_^

When I was in high school I read a book called Panther in the Sky where the Shawnee leader Tecumseh’s father saw that he (the father) was going to die because he saw his star disappear from the sky. My Mother believes that my Grandfather knew he was going to die the night he was hit by that drunk driver because of the things he did that night where out of his usual routine. Unable to change the events that where to happen yet, didn’t know exactly what was going to happen. Just going though the motions as it where. My Grandfather was a full blood Mohawk.

So these two things sit on my mind as does that day when I was 6 years old. Maybe I’m crazy… I hope am… But we will see. So how would you know if died? Well, I’m going to try… try being the key word here… to make a post for every single day of my 31st year. Some will be short, some maybe long, most will be boring. If I can’t make a post and I know in advance I’ll say so so people won’t freak out. So here’s to roughly 365 posts… I hope, and if not. It’s been real. ^_^

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