stinky – post 195

Somethings just can’t be green.  I try to make sure that most of my products are organic and/or have no harmful stuffs in them.  Well, some times that doesn’t equal a great product.

My example is deodorant.  I’ve tried so many natural ingredient deodorants it’s crazy and none of them work.  In some cases I found that I smelled of B.O. even worse after using it.  In another case I actually took a stick with me to work and found that I had to reapply every 90 min or so… and I still stunk.  Others gave me rashes…  I actually gave up and tried to go with out any at all to see what happened.  I couldn’t believe how bad I would stink.  I mean, I sit in a chair all day.  It’s not like I’m out running around the city!  Geeez…  So I gave up for now and switched back to a regular brand.

It really does suck when you try to support a specific brand or make of products and you find that they all suck.  Oh well, I guess I just have to keep searching.  I’m sure I’ll find something some day but until then I’ll probably have the largest crap deodorant collection in my bathroom.

2 Responses to “stinky – post 195”

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    I always found that Degree works best for me. Try it and see what you think.

  • fire_wire91387 Says:

    Some people sweat no matter what. I was born and raised in L.A. Living in a desert valley where just about every summer/early fall day was spent outdoors in weather that could almost fry an egg on a sidewalk (I was bored and the fridge broke down) and have since moved to a milder climate. You’d think I’d stop sweating as much. I sat down in a meat locker and still was sweating. Quickest I’ve ever been fired.

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