Fringe – post 194

So I just got done watching this show called Fringe.  Our creative director was talking about it today and said it was the new X-Files.  Now I don’t watch a whole lot of tv so I just sort of let the info go in one ear and out the other.  I don’t have time for tv anymore.  But this evening I sit down and my wife told me about a new show called Fringe and how it’s sort of like X-Files and maybe we should check it out.  It might be good.

I guess I should stop and say that I was a HUGE X-Files fan back in the day.  I actually got my wife (then girlfriend) hooked on it too back in the day.  Every Friday we got together and watched it… that and Sliders ^_^

Anyway.  So I watched Fringe.  It was pretty good.  I thought the characters where interesting.  It left open questions the way the X-Files always did, and I loved that.  I really liked the way the editing was done.  Very nice.  I especially like the basement science vs big science they hinted at.

I think I’ll stick around to watch more and see where it goes.  Anyone else watch it?

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