Dr. Paula Hutchison

Remember the show Rocko’s Modern Life?  No?  Well that’s okay.  I was a long time ago.  I used to watch it in high school.  Anyway, this character here is Dr. Paula Hutchison.  She was a character on the show and here this the result of a someone commissioning her.  Not bad if I must say so.  The art style of the show is very odd so it was a great challenge to do this up.  I think she came out rather well. ^_^

8 Responses to “Dr. Paula Hutchison”

  • Osprey Says:

    Don’t forget she’s a MILF too. ‘Kay?

  • John M Hanna Says:

    I remember watching Rocko too. There was lots of naughty humor in it.

    • joerandel Says:

      Now I need to find the episodes again. ^_^

      • Bunbun Says:

        Heffer worked at the “Chokey Chicken”, Rocko gets a job as a phone sex operator, once they stay at a motel with hourly rates where the desk attendant is in awe that they want all night, and one episode is titled “Rocko’s Happy Sack”. Yeah it was a dirty show.

        If you are in the US and have Netflix it is all on streaming.

        Very nice job merging the her facial feature style of the show with your own art style. I imagine that was rather tough to do given how exaggerated her head shape is in the show (looks like a butternut squash!).

        • joerandel Says:

          I totally don’t remember that one! Holy crap, now I have to download them and watch them all. My head is mostly filled with Duckman shows. ^_^ Yeah, this one was good challenge. the characters are all odd shapes, so getting her to the cute side but keeping her like she was in the show was hard… but fun.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Wow this brings back the memories… Great job Joe, you never cease to amaze me!

  • DMajorBoss Says:

    Such nostalgia hits me from this image. Rocko’s one of my most favorite shows, and you did a fine job in capturing her desired comeliness!

    And, yes, her and Filbert had children (from eggs), one of whom resembled Heffer.

    Anyway, thanks for the share!

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