Happy Holidays!

Good day all, and happy holidays! It’s the time of the year where I draw one of my favorite themes. The infamous candycane picture. This year I thought I’d bring it back to the first time I did this pic and use Tammy as the main girly, but I wanted more this time… so I threw Gadget in to the mix and made the candycanes in proportion to the characters. The result? HUGE candycanes! HOT! ^_^ The very first candycane pic is still my favorite but this one came out very well indeed. I’m very happy with it.

So what else have I been up to? I’ve been playing with my Wii! hahahaha! I’m sure that joke will never get old. Yeah, I shelled out the moneys for a Wii and Zelda and I have to say I love it! I’m not a Sony fan or an Xbox fan so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on so called high rez graphics. I love my Wii. I play when ever I can and my sholder usually hurts like hell the next day but that just means I’m hardcore!!!111 ^_^

Oh, also one more shout out for the Gwen contest. You all have till the end of the year to post something, so break out those pencils. I love seeing what people come up with. Good luck!

7 Responses to “Happy Holidays!”

  • spoon Says:

    Lucky you……. I stood in line but never got one. I like the pic, tammy was always one of my favs.

  • Parad1ce Says:

    I thought i would let you know that i absolutely LOVE your work! Keep it up buddy! Its always a pleasure to visit the site and find a new piece of yours. My favorites would have to be Ms. Kitty and Monique, and i have to agree that the spooge theme is excellent! Perhaps you could give some thought to a Kitty/Monique/jizz pic? Whatever you decide im sure it will be great! Happy holidays and all the best for the new year!

  • Rizaria Says:

    I got a Wii for Christmas and bought myself Zelda too. x3 Awesome game huh?

    I hear ya about the aching. Day after I started playing it[Wii Sports all day. xD;] I had really fucked up arms. ^-^;

    It got better! Whoo! *keeps playing*

  • thesmartfox Says:

    I like that pic. My favorite person is Monique. If you get the chance, could you draw more of her?

  • blak43 Says:

    ahhh good stuff not going for another as many as possible though i see

  • Hyena Says:

    Say….what happned to Monotreme?

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