
I picked mine up this morning.  I was up at 6 am (thanks to my dog) so I figured, heck, I’m up, I might as well go and get one.  I was going to wait a bit until funds where better, but my wife said that I should go and get it.  I’m rocking a red DS Phat that can hold a charge for about a day… I guess I’m due.

I picked up the blue one and some Street Fighter 4.  I haven’t played it much to be honest.  I’ve been too busy trying out the AR games which are tons of fun.  I hope they put out more of these cards as they’re lots of fun to play and cool to show friends.  My daughter was totally amazed. ^_^
Lots of people have been saying that their eyes feel tired and such after playing, but I seem to be okay.  I didn’t feel tired… well… no more than usual.

Anyone else pick one up or are going to pick one up?  If so, which games?

4 Responses to “3DS!”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I’m waiting on getting one for the moment. When the Ocarina of Time remake comes out though, you can guarantee that I will be the first in line!

  • JimmenyJ Says:

    No time to play games, at the moment. But I’d love to hear what you think about it after you’ve broken it in.

  • ThaMan Says:

    Until Mega Man Legends 3 comes out, I won’t be getting it. Let’s me save up some cash to get it.

  • Zagan Says:

    I’m just sticking with my DS games for now. I’ll pick up the big games later on, but for now I’m happy with taking my time. Legend of Zelda, MegaMan Legends, Metal Gear Solid. The big, hot ticket stuff.

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