candy – post 184

So I was wandering in the dollar store the other day and I came across a toy Wii-mote that shoots candy when you press the B button.  It’s like a PEZ dispenser for geeks… only nothing comes out of anyone’s neck…  and the candy isn’t PEZ… o_O

Anyway, I had to buy it.  I was only a buck and it was actually an official Nintendo licensed product.  So I bought it.  Took it home, and took take pictures of it (seen on my blog).  I also filled it full of the candy it came with which looked like Rockets (Smarties to you people living in the US).  Although upon eating the candy it was discovered that it was a gum (and a crap one at that) rather then the pressed sugar candy I thought it was.  Meh… no biggie.  Until I actually did fill it with Rockets (Smarties in the US) only to realize that they where just a hair to big for the shooter part of the Wii-mote and so what I got was a chipped and crushed Rocket/Smarties.  Nor did they shoot out anymore… it was more of a, shake the crap out of the Wii-mote and then the candy will fall out the end of it. -_-  boo!  Oh well.  The mini Wii-mote is still cool.

I love that the brand is called “Au’some” ^_^

“do not aim at eyes or face”  How fast do these candies shoot out? o_O

Those are NOT rockets/smarties


This little candy adventure made me remember all the candy I would eat when I was a kid.  I remember garbage pail candy, paper candy, pixie sticks, big league chew and rock candy.

What candy do you remember as a kid?

One Response to “candy – post 184”

  • fire_wire91387 Says:

    Well that’s kinda neat. Sucks that it can only shoot out crappy candies, but still a cool collectible.

    If I remember right, Twix was my favorite when I was a kid, mostly since I felt like I was getting twice as much candy as everyone else. Nowadays, I don’t care too much for candy, but I would kill for Pocky.

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