Gwen Contest!

Oh yeah… I have a blog… ^_^

Sorry about the long absence, but I’ve come back to tell everyone that we have an art contest going on here.  The topic is my main character Gwen.

The contest rules are here.

Basicly all you have to do is draw Gwen doing… whatever you want. There are two categories, G-PG13 and R-XXX, so you’re free to draw her doing just about anything you wish her to be doing… with in reason. The contest rules talk about the particulars in that department.

But who is Gwen you ask? Well I’d be happy to share her with you.

Gwen is the first original character that I really felt a link with. She’s fun, happy and friendly just about all the time and is always willing to lend a hand to help those in need. She’s an all around sports bunny with just the right amount of competitive edge. While she does enjoy most sports she does love to rollerblade most of all. She also owns her own sporting goods store called “G-Force”. Gwen also has a sexy side but is usually oblivious to the sex appeal she has on others around her.

I think that’s about it. Good luck and I hope people enjoy the contest ^_^

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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