olympics – post 178

So the Olympics came and went.  Did you watch them?  Did you care?  When ever the Olympics come around I generally figure I won’t really care and yet I find myself watching them in my evenings.  I really enjoy watching the athletes compete.  I root for Canada of course but mostly I’m just happy to watch and not really care who’s going to win.  These people train more then I can imagine for these events so when it’s finally time to watch the game it’s really something to see.

I know people always down play the games and bring up the drama, drugs and judges.  It doesn’t happen every time and it’s a shame that they have to ruin it for the other athletes.  Actually, with these games I didn’t see much of it at all.  Except for the Chinese gymnasts being under the age limit.  Did I miss any other controversial stories?

Well, Canada didn’t come out tops.  Some say we had a pretty sad showing but we did bring home our third highest number of medals.  That’s not bad eh?  I really did enjoy the China games this year and I’m really looking forward to the ones in BC in two years.

So did you watch and enjoy?  Not care?  Or feel the games are nothing but a political “mine is bigger than yours” event and not worth your time.

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