goals – post 175

I have a wish to see my art in print.  In an art book somewhere.  I wish I could have a piece of my art in the I am 8-Bit art gallery or be asked to be in an art book that would be sold in stores and beside other artists.  Udon’s new Street Fighter art book has a lot of people in it from DA (looks at Miu ^_^) and I so would have loved to be in that.  There’s just something about being among other professional artists in a bound book sold in a shop that sounds so great.

I really shouldn’t complain.  I mean, I work in games so my art is being viewed by anyone that buy or downloads something that I’ve worked on.  And I’ve been interviewed for a book on pixel design and my opinion on the 2D in todays game industry (with some of my pixel art as samples) and I’ve talked at a game summit on the topic of pixel art in and out of games.  But now I’ve set my sites on being in an art book.  I will do it one day I tells ya. ( >.<)9

I never used to be this guy or have goals like this.  I was happy to be the grunt worker with no problems, but now I set goals for myself and so far I’ve met what I want to do with my art career.  Being in an art book is my next big step.

Wish me luck ^_^

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