pirate! – post 174

How much music/shows/movies/games/stuff do you download?  Me?  I usually do a little here and there.  I don’t download games… well… I don’t download normal PC games.  I do download my share of hentai games though and I have a stoopd amount of MAME games (4 DVD’s worth) which I use for reference in my own work.  I also download lots of hentai magazines/manga from time to time.  Again, depends on my mood.  I torrent shows that I’ve missed on TV.  I’ll download a movie every now and then but hardly ever.  My wife does music for the van.  I think that’s about it.

Over all, I don’t think I download too much.  I know it’s bad and even doing it a little bit isn’t an excuse.  How about you?  Do you download everything you get your hands on?  Do you have stacks and stacks of DVD’s you’ll never watch?  Or you more honest then the day is long and would never do such a thing ^_^

One Response to “pirate! – post 174”

  • FVxSF Says:

    I wouldn’t say stacks of DVDs.. more like Hard Drives. Currently have around 1TB and am seeking another 1TB ( or about 218 DVDs ) I actually have a lot of home videos and what not but… if there is a program that I feel a 30 trial is just not quite long enough to test the full functionality and wish to merely extend the trial period…. But not every thing is obtained this way. Quite a few programs I own are bought and downloaded. It’s nice having high speed. Music? yes.. lots of it! I download cd after cd… though I can’t say I care for the iTunes protection…

    BTW Joe, I’m still working on the gallery if you’re still interested. If you’d like I could work on something more customized. If you have any ideas I’m still in the design stage. Shoot me an email if you’d like.

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