short review – post 171

Write a one sentence game review. (you can do more then one)

Crazy Taxi – Quite possibly the best player vs the clock game ever made.

Mega Man 2 – The best example of turning a mediocre title in to a truly classic game by expanding and improving on everything in the prequel, but keeping game play exactly the same.

Shadow of the Colossus – So beautifully crafted and designed it became an instant classic before it was even released.

One Response to “short review – post 171”

  • Cinos Nroca Says:

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    Although it came out on the N64 and didn’t have the best graphics, this game became one of the best Zelda games to date with a great story and the best gadget (I think) ever to be made, the hookshot.

    Mega Man 4
    This game, I believe, had the best music in the Mega Man series.

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