Game Review – May Reason & May Queen

Other then my family, I have two favorite things in this world.

Porn and video games.

Now not necessarily in that order. It depends on the mood I’m in. But when you mix the two, it equals a big Hell Yeah! So I figured I’d share take a moment from time to time to share any adult/hentai games I might have found recently.

The first up is May Reason and May Queen. May Queen is actually the sequel to May Reason, but only in the way that Final Fantasy games are sequels to each other. Now to start thing off I’ll tell you how I came across these two games. I was wandering through 4chan when I came across this image.

I took instant notice because, well, it’s hot, but mostly for the way the spooge was rendered. It looked so real. Normally I don’t care for real looking spooge in toon pics but this was superb. Well after a little searching I found that the images came from the games in question. Soon after I found out that there is next to no information on these games save the games actual home pages. But, as I always say, if you look long enough on the internet you’ll find anything you’re looking for, and I did. A few hours later I had downloaded both games (originally I only thought there to be one. Yay!) Now the description said they where “loli” games. Now loli isn’t may bag, but I was still curious to see what these games had to offer. After jumping though some hoops and downloading extra programs to run these things I was on my way. And lordly the things that I saw…

May Reason

This is the more loli of the two games by a lot. The girl looks very young and most of the sex scenes take place at the local school. Now, there is no English patch for these games so all the dialogue is in Japanese so you ether have to make up your own story or click the mouse button like a freak until you get to the sexy bits, and that doesn’t take long. After a quick character intro (I think) you find yourself at the school and you meet up with May the girl character. There are different locals (girls change room and gym) and they’re at random I think. You can have you’re way with the girl or you can hold out and make out with her later behind the school or in her bedroom.

Now in every sex encounter you can totally blow your load on the girl and you even get options for where you wish to spooge. Now here is the trick. You can make out with her, let say a blow job, but you don’t have to let it loose and spooge on her face if you don’t want too. You can hold back and chose a different sex option and quite possibly let loose a larger load and keep the sex scenes going longer. Also by doing this you can unlock more ways of spooge’n on her the next time you see her. Hot stuff ^_^

The game take place over 3 weeks, and the more or less you
make out with her depends on your ending. Three in total I believe. Oh, and once you’ve unlocked a sex scene you can go to the main menu and look at the CG’s anytime you want or even replay the scene with out going through the game. Nifty.

This one wasn’t bad, but as I said before, loli isn’t my bag. But I would give it 8 out of 10. The art is just great and the whole deciding to hold back or spooge her silly is a good way of getting you to think about what you’re doing and how to prolong the sex parts.

May Queen

The girl in this one looks a lot older, I’m sure she’s still pretty young, but young enough that I could accept it.

To start things off the sex starts out much sooner and there is/can be a lot more spooge… a lot more… and that’s what I like baby. There are only two places to make out in this one. In a public washroom in a park and what I can assume is you’re apt. Again, you have to make up the story yourself or mash your mouse in oblivion. Although I think this girl has a co-op placement at your work, but who knows, there’s spooge’n to be doing.

The game plays the same way as the last only the amount of times you can cum is represented in the top left with little cum drops. Now some sex acts will “cost” you more spooge then others. Like, you can drop a wad on her face for the cost of one cum drop or you can really bust a nut and dump a huge load on her mug for two drops or make her swallow your load for three. So you really have to watch what you’re doing. And once again, the more you do the more sex options you’ll open up like butt sex, 69, hand jobs, muff diving and even foot jobs. But the best part is that the game keeps track of where you’ve spooged from sex act to sex act. Like if I blast her blouse and boobs then get a blow job next you’ll see the all the spooge on her chest as she sucks you off, then if you let it lose on her face, when you get a 69 (or what ever you choose) then you’ll see cum on her face and blouse! It’s just the best and can make for some very messy, messy sex play. THAT’S TEH HAWT! ^_^

Once again, you can go and view the art in the CG area or play out the sex scenes are you wish. Oh, and the art is top notch once and the spooge is very real looking. It has inspired me to make the spooge in my own drawing more real. I would have to say this one is a 9.5 out of 10! I really dig it and I’m sure it’ll be a favorite of mine for a long time to cum! HAHA!

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