bubbles – post 155

Here is something that I’ve known for some time now.  Bubbles + kids = happy.  It’s probably one of the simplest equations out there, as I can’t think of any time I’ve ever blown bubbles with kids and not got smiles in return.

Bubbles make kids happy.

I got thinking about this as I was blowing bubbles with my own kids this past weekend.  Bubbles are such a simple thing and yet can hold so much fun.  Think about it, when was the last time you got as excited and had as much fun with something as simple as bubbles.  We as adults lose that innocent look at things and we buy things to make use feel good rather then just enjoying simple pleasures.  Well… most of us do.  I’m in that boat.  I won’t deny it.

So maybe we should all go out and get or make some bubbles and try to understand what it’s like to enjoy simple things again.  We might discover something that was lost to us ever so long ago.

One Response to “bubbles – post 155”

  • Rob Says:

    It was really amusing that you wrote about this, because I was thinking the same thing a few days ago. I was walking by a house that had one of those bubble makers, the ones that spit out thousands of bubbles at a time, and I was so amazed. It was crazy how much I felt like a little kid again.

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