Super Mario Bros 25th anniversary

So today (Sept 13/10)  is Super Mario Bros 25 anniversary.  It’s crazy that’s it’s been that long since video games changed forever.  I remember getting my first NES back in grade school, I was in grade 7 at the time and one of the last kids to get the system in my class.  Oh how that game changed changed my life and paved the the way for a career in games for yours truly.  So many great memories.

Here are two clips to celebrate the day.  One is an over view of the past 25 years of Mario games (no Game Boy games in there though!). Super Mario Bros 2 is my favorite.

The other is a commercial of sorts and to me, it’s absolutely perfect.  I love that there are only the sounds of the person and the plastic of the games and system.  It’s beautiful.  I’m sure we all have memories just like this one.  After I watch it, I got a great warm fuzzy feeling.  Mmmmmm…  just watch and you’ll see what I mean.

What are your Super Mario Bros memories. ^_^

2 Responses to “Super Mario Bros 25th anniversary”

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Ugh! Another reminder of my oncoming old age. When I heard the kid from ‘Home Alone’ turned thirty recently, I could hear my bones creak.

  • Andreas Says:

    Oh, so many fond memories! As I come from a poor family, and later went on to become a poor student, the NES and Super NES are actually the only two gaming systems I’ve owned, so I’ve never played any of those fancy 3D Mario games. 😀

    My Mario memories are from the classics – SMB1, 2, 3 and Super Mario World. Those games shaped much of my school years back in the 90s.

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