I hate my allergies

I hate this time of year.  I should love it.  I love that it gets cool…  I love the colours the leaves turn… I love that close to the end of the year feel.  I hate my allergies.  My seasonal allergies kick in from end of August to end of October.  I have to blow my nose until it’s raw.  I can’t sleep properly and my throat gets all sore because I end up sleeping with my mouth open… so I don’t die in my sleep on account that my nose is all stuffed up.  I’m ready to gouge out my eyes too… ugh.

Who else out there has fall allergies?  If you do… I suffering there with ya.

3 Responses to “I hate my allergies”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    I know how ya feel man. My allergies are kinda weird though. Twice a year, round spring time and now, they hit. I start out with a sore throat. After that comes the fever, then it goes into hyper drive. I don’t get the watery eyes, runny nose, no. I have a cough that produces what can only be described as pure evil. Cough drops, Benadril, Nyquil, don’t work, the only thing that works is doubling up on Zyrtec, throw in some asprin, and hibernate for about a week. No work, class, nothing. After that I have no allergy problems till the next spring/fall.

  • Mudiwa Says:

    I know the feeling! But I get it when someone in my family gets a household fragrance, just blocks me right up, sore throat and all!

  • newfmike Says:

    Ragweed FTL.I feel your pain. Allergies were not this bad until I moved from Toronto to Ottawa :-p Mostly itchy eyes. nose isn’t too bad, but it’s partly stuffed all the time anyways.

    P.S. sorry for the foot in mouth last comment. I seriously thought there was another person who had a squirrel girl with really small hands and feet. Brain fart on my account.

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