Back to School

No, I’m not going back to school.  But lets say that I was going back to learn something else.  Maybe make a new career for myself.  What would I do?  I’d like to take a Photography course.  Although, I’m sure that if I just bought a high quality camera I could teach myself most of what I could learn in a class.  If I where to do something totally different, I think I’d go to culinary school.  I think it would be a fun experience to mix my art skills with food stuffs.  Tough… but exciting.

If you had to go back to learn something different for a career… what would it be?

3 Responses to “Back to School”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Hmm, if I went back to college I would have to choose computer tech as a major. I’ve always been amazed how computers work both with hardware and software. Though math is a difficult subject for me…

  • John Fiala Says:

    Well, if this would be in addition to my current education… I’d really be tempted to go into history or Political Science. They’re both very different from what I do now, and they’re a definite hole in my education.

    I might return to web development after graduating, but It’d be great to have something else.

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Definitely more computer classes and actually work to get a degree.

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