Off I go to learn how to draw.

Woo! I’m super excited.  This weekend I’ll be attending Massive Black’s Concept Art Workshop.  Yup, 4 days of intense learnign and training from some of the best in the art biz.  I haven’t done this kind of thing since college and I’m all jittery.  These are super pro artists here and I’m super rusty.  After looking through the program several times I think I’m going to be in the sketchbook programs.  They seem to appeal to me the most but I should take in a life drawing session as well.

I’ll post some of the things I draw and maybe take some pictures too. Sorry, no art with this post.  Just brag’n to the world about how awesome my weekend will be.  The only sucky thing is lunch isn’t til 2:oo most days.  An art dude has ta eat ya know!!! o_O

3 Responses to “Off I go to learn how to draw.”

  • blak43 Says:

    good stuff joe have a ball
    bet we’ll be seeing some pretty cool stuff coming out of this

    and i think way to many people are obsessed with reviving the forum

  • Auron Says:

    hay i only say all the pic yeasterday in the gellery and i just loved them my favrout was cheets

    and i also like the eyes

    i hope to see new pics soon and i would like to know whare the 2nd pic to the right is.

  • saul viirimaa Says:

    hello how i kan start taking pay at my photos i try everything but i gues that you should be interestet my art,they made at tabitha but not same gind like yours i were trying to ask you how kan i start selling my pictures and earn some money, greetings at finland ps my writing are not good

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