
Okay, okay, okay… so there was this contest over at Fur Affinity a little while ago. Some of you might have heard about it. The winner got a white PSP and a game of choice and the runners up got games of choice as well. Well, I was really excited about this contest so I cranked out a bunch of entries to match the theme of the contest; video game cos-play. What you had to do was draw your character dressed up like a video game character. I did a total of seven drawings. Not because I thought it would increase my chances of winning, but because I had too many ideas to cut them all back and choose the best one. Well the contest has come and gone and now I think it’s far past due to post them here as well. They where originally supposed to go up with the site change but I decided to post my monster instead.

And now, with out any further delay I present seven drawings of Gwen in video cos-play. Ta da!!!

What about the contest you ask? Well, I didn’t win, and to be honest I feel a bit burned, and from what I saw on the AF forum, I’m not the only one that felt the judging was a little questionable. But congrats to the winners all the same. It was a fun contest to be in and I’m happy with the art that I produced for it. Plus, here’s a little bit of trivia for ya. I’ve yet to win a furry contest full out. I’ve won in categories and even tied for 1st but I’ve never walked away with best in show all on my own. Kind a sad but what can ya do.

Ah well, congrats to the winners once again.

7 Responses to “Loser!”

  • Zodgod Says:

    Joooooooe! Are you ever going to revive the forum?

  • Ro Says:

    Hi Joe, Ro here :mrgreen: we talked in TJA’s flash-chat briefly a day or two ago.

    Lovely stuff, yeah, I for one did not know about the contest, but it seems to me like you at least should have gotten the “runner up” place with these awsome pics.
    well I’m happy you added them here 😉 nice work, my two Fav. is
    #4 (Hee hee … ^_^) and #5 (Best costume ever!)
    but I have to say #1 ( She’s not even Russian.) made me laugh 😀

    Anyhoo.. I was wondering, your coloring just gets better and better, I’m not asking for a Tutorial, but if its not a secret… what Tools do you use to do that nice “pastel shading” effect?.. It kinda looks like the “Smudge Tool” but it could just be a normal “Brush”?

    well.. good luck in the next contest whatever it may be. -love, Ro-

  • blak43 Says:

    😆 some funny stuff here joe
    but you cant really be surprised you lost i mean the whole idea behind the series is for them to be twisted, ridiculous, or just plain stupid no offense intended of course

    well keep up the good work talk to you later

  • Foxyb Says:

    I dont know why but that pic is so intriguing. I actualy love it! Very good work there. Will the forum be reserected? Pleasee! 🙂

  • mikey Says:

    Jo. Im glad to see your site is back up.

    I love the Cos-play pics! They show a good range and are funy as hell. I love the tetris one.

  • turrul2000 Says:

    amazing, exelent work

  • saul viirimaa Says:

    hey joe how can i be member of you pace or can i:roll:

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