freak accident – post 108

The grandfather of one of my daughters friends had a freak accident this weekend. He was walking home and tripped and fell which jarred a bone growth on his neck. It has done some damage to his spinal column and now he’s paralyzed. Just like that. He didn’t even know he had this bone growth. It’s all kinda scary that something so simple like a fall can turn out to be something so much worse. Now I don’t know if he’s paralyzed from the neck down or just the waist, but still…

It got me thinking that if such a thing happen me what would I do. How would I handle it? I’m sure, like any one I’d be really depressed for a long while. If it was just from the waist down I’d still be able to do my job, draw, play games, hug my kids so it wouldn’t be so bad. Lots of people with leg paralysis live very active lives, if not more active then mine currently. But if I was just a talking head with no way to move my arms or anything… I would want to travel. If I had to bound to my chair I would at least like to see the world that I live in. See all the places I’ve ever wanted to go and see all the sights I could.

I wish the best for the family. It’ll be hard going I’m sure but family and I live close buy and are willing to help out how we can.

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