I love Japan – post 107

I’m sure that most have realized that by now though. But my love of Japan and China stems back for as long as I can remember. I can’t really explain it other then it being a huge draw for me. I remember looking at books of classic Asian arts that my Mom had when I was in public school. It was a series of books actually, one other one was a art book of Egypt, which was awesome too. I don’t remember the third book. But I do remember looking through that Asia art book though so many times in awe of the pictures.

Now in my older years I surf around Japanese sites and gawk at photos of Japan. I love looking at the everyday pictures of the cities, the towns, the side streets, the temples… everything. SushiCam is a favorite of mine, so is Danny Choo. He has great pictures of his trips in to Tokyo.

I so wish that one day I can travel to Japan. If I had to choose one place to go to it would be there. I would have to take at least a week long trip there for me to see everything… and that probably still wouldn’t be long enough.


Maybe one day I’ll go there. I hope…

Is there any place you long to travel and see before you leave this blue marble?

note:  above photo is from SushiCam.com and is copyright Jeff Laitila

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