bonesaw – post 104

Every play a game that was so hard that you got fed up and decided to quit playing only to come back to it later because you refused to let it kick your ass. Yeah… that was me and Bonesaw. I saw this game on one of the indie game sites that I travel to and thought… that game looks pretty good. I think I’ll try it out… Two and a half months later I finally beat it. Finally.

It didn’t start out hard. It starts pretty easy actually. The fighting is nice, although the range of your character is a bit small and the enemies can take cheap shots, but other then that it was very enjoyable. I got through the first world and actually thought that was the end of the whole game as most indie games are rather short. Boy was I wrong… a grass world, a snow snow, a lava world, a sky world and a space world later I finally made it to the end. This game is HUGE! And there are so many levels to each world and then the levels them self are really long! Far longer then I would have imagined. And that’s not counting the special levels and the golden pucks you can find to make your player stronger.

The difficulty gets really hard as the game goes on, but not hard as in… the game just gets cheap, although it would seem so sometimes, I can look back and say that the levels are actually extremely well planed out. There are some “leap of faith” jumps but mostly really excellent level design to keep the player hunting and looking on how to progress. Very well done too in my books, better then in some commercial games too I would say.

So yeah, I played the game, I got frustrated and quit it only to come back after a day or so. I wouldn’t let the game beat me, plus I thought if this guy put that much time in to this game then I need to finish it.

I can’t believe I did it… such a relief ^_^ I thought I would be playing that game forever as I refused to start another game until this one was done.

Now it’s time to move on.

Have you played a game that was so hard you refused to let it kick your ass? Did you ever finish that game?

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