Stomach bug


This is a disgusting post…

Just this past weekend my family came down with a stomach bug.  It was pretty bad to say the least.  On Thursday my daughter comes home from school and tells us there where lot of kids getting sick at school… she wasn’t kidding.  A friend of ours told us on the phone that evening that when she went to pick her daughter up for lunch that day she felt like she had walked in to a movie.  There where pools of vomit all over the hallways and in the water fountain, plus kids running to the bathrooms with hands over their mouths.  On Friday, in my daughters class of 20 kids… there was 6.  Even the teacher was down and out with the bug, and that’s just one class.  We heard that it was the same all over the school.

So needless to say that Thursday evening my daughter came down with it too.  That evening she threw up about 22 times in 12 hours or so.  I was next and only tossed twice (WoO!).  My son was next, then my wife, whom got hit the hardest… I’ll spare the details.  It was crazy… I’m not sick now but I still feel low on energy.  My wife is just starting to come out of it but not really able to watch the kids (who are both fine now), so I stayed home today.

Amazing that this all happened on a weekend.  We know other families that are getting hit with it now which means more time off from work and school for those families.

What I am bummed about is that I threw up.  It sounds strange, but the last time I tossed was 10 years ago.  I hoping to keep that up.  Oh well, I guess I have a new personal best time on throwing up that I have to beat now.  ^_^

When was the last time you got so ill you tossed?

2 Responses to “Stomach bug”

  • Osprey Says:

    My stomache decided to swell up to the point where food wasn’t going into the small intestines so anything I ingested came back out a short while later. So, I had to go to Mayo Clinic until the swelling went down

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Hmm I think the last time I rolfed was on my 21st b-day. Err, the day after. I was partying (supposedly, I can’t remember all of the events of that night…) till like 4am and had to be at work at 8am. Well I was sick and around noonish my stomach couldnt handle breakfast and revolted. Meh, still the best night I’ll never remember! lol

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