Hot coffee in Final Fantasy XIII

guess-vanilleSo it would seem that hidden in Final Fantasy XIII game disk is a hidden 3D model of one of these characters… NUDE!  Can you guess  which one?  If you know, don’t shout it out and ruin it for the rest of everyone.

It’s Oerba Dia Vanille!

vanilleYup, hidden away on the disk is a complete nude model of this hot CG red head.  Why?  Well apparently, in the game at some point this character makes a transformation and is nude in the process, although she is covered during the scene.  Now try as I might, was not able to find a full shot of this model.  This is the only one making the rounds on the internet thus far.

nude-vanilleHow it was taken… I’m not sure, but I do find it a bit of a tease that the person decided to only include the hint of the top of a nipple… actually the areola .  I’m sure a better one will make it out at some point but for now, this is all we get.  Get your imaginations going folks! ^_^

BUY FF XIII –PS3 – $59.99 or Xbox 360 – $59.99

One Response to “Hot coffee in Final Fantasy XIII”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Mmm red heads…. yeah I kinda want to buy this game now. She kinda has that country girl look to her, with the freckles and the pigtails. (wheee!! I love it! 🙂 ) *Ahem*
    Anyways, its tempting to go buy the game with these kinds of extras.

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