Evangelion 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone


I think this past year and a bit I’ve watched more anime then I ever have.  That might sound like a lot, but really it just means I’ve watches two complete series.  One was Sky Girls, which I’ve gone over before and the other was Strike Witches (I’ll make a post about that later).  I also took in the reboot of a series I love to watch, but not sure why exactly… Evangelion Rebuild: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone. I can’t really explain the fascination with the series.  I guess it’s mostly because I’m trying so hard to peel it apart and understand the hidden messages with in it, although I also believe that those messages are so absurdly cryptic that they could be interpreted very differently among just about everyone.

I’ve watched the full tv series plus the two movies (Death and Rebirth) as they all try and clear up an ending that just about no one really understands. So when I heard that Gainax was doing a reboot of the series, I was totally for it.  It’ll be a series of 4 movies that retell/reshape the original.  The first one has been released on DVD and the second one will be out in the spring and after watching 1.0… I can’t wait.

If you’ve seen the original series, then you’ll find that 1.0 is pretty much the same.  They’ve cut out some parts and steamed lined more as well so it flows better.  Some parts have been moved around so it makes more sense and in others, they’ve beefed up the animation so it fits more with today’s standards.  It’s truly more epic then the original and for sure worth the watch, because it’s after this first movie that the major changes start to occur.  New characters and new events will start to turn everything on it’s head.

So if you’re a fan of Evangelion or maybe some one who’s stayed away from it because of the complexity of the series, I totally recommend this new take on the show.  It’s much easier to grasp in this new format.

JOE RECOMMENDS – Evangelion: 1.01 You Are (Not) Alone – Movie $9.99

2 Responses to “Evangelion 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    Never was a fan of the Evangelion series. But I have a few suggestions of anime that you might like.

    1)Cowboy Bebop
    3)Outlaw Star
    4)Please Teacher (Onegi Teacher – i think thats how you spell it…)

    That should tide you over for awhile. Let me know if you like em or if you need any more ideas! 🙂

    • Rath Says:

      Well you just named 3 of my favorite series and I’m going to have to check out Please Teacher and this new Eva movie i am a big Eva fan.

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