First pic of 2010!


So this is the first pic of 2010!  WOO!!!

When I thought of this one I was super excited.  I was all like “Oh man… this one is going to rock!”  But as it got going I realized that TinkerBell is hard to draw.  Well… I though so was anyway.  I used the new 3D TinkerBell movies as my reference, which was all great, but for some reason I just couldn’t get her looking right.  A long story short, she ended up going though several revisions before this one.

I happy with the pic, but I will admit that it was a bit rushed at the end and as a result… I think I want to try a new TinkerBell pic in the future.  I even have ideas already.  But other then that, I”m happy with her and the amount of spooge we’ve got going here.

How about you?  Any comments?

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