The Holidays

img_6825Hey hey!  Hello out there in internet land.  Well, I’m back it’s a brand new year, so what better time then to let everyone know how the Holidays went for myself.

First off, my Mother came down to visit.  We don’t have any family that live close to us so we bussed her in from the rez.  She spent Christmas, plus a few days with us before we all traveled back to our home town on the 28th because there is no way we where going to travel on Christmas.  No way.  We did that last year and spend 9 hours in the van on a trip that should have only taken 3 hours.  So yeah… we stayed home this year.

Before we left though we had a chance to see the Olympic Torch come though the city.


Yay!  I took some photos of the event and even got to see a real gold Olympic metal!



Now, I know that the Olympics need sponsors.  I understand that this sort of event takes money, but when the sponsor logo is larger then the actual even logo… yeah…  you get my drift.



Anyway, I did get some cool Coke aluminum bottles.  I thought about selling them on eBay seeing as they are official aluminum cans of Coke for these Olympics, but I’ll probably just keep them.  I had three, drank two… still have one in the fridge.


I also got some chocolate gold metal too.

After all that it was Christmas.  We lucked out quite well.  Kids got toys and books.  Wife got clothes and an elliptical machine.  Everyone was happy.  Me?  Oh, I got some clothes too, and some books.


One called Chasing the Beam.  It’s about the Atari and the trails and tribulations of working on the device way back when.  I also got some games.


Wizard of Oz for DS.  Anime Dorthy is super cute ^_^


ABoy and his Blob for Wii.


Fighting Fantasy for DS.

I’m currently going through Wizard of Oz.  It’s  pretty sweet and I’ll do a write up about it later.


Oh!  I also got a huge box of Big Turk bites.  ^_^ Does my wife love me or what?

A few days later we packed up the family and drove down home to see everyone else.  We stayed with my Dad and Step Mom for a while and ate tons of greasy, deep fried dutch treats.


Oliebollen (a dutch doughnut with raisins and dusted with icing sugar)


Apple flappen (an apple ring dipped in beer batter and deep fried then sprinkled with icing sugar)


And my favorite, krokets (battered, deep fried stew beef).  Oh man… so tasty…

After that we traveled to my in laws.  We spent New Years there, watched some movies, ate bad Chinese food and had a fun time watching all the kids play together.  The down side to visiting my in laws is that they smoke.  They don’t smoke in the house when we are there, but we still come back smelling like we smoked a pack or two.  Sorry to insult any fans that smoke… but yeah… it’s so bad that even the kids know they stink and will freely say that it smells at Grandma and Grandpa’s.

Other then that, it was pretty good.  I’m still working on my New Years pic.  Having on model issues… plus it’s hard to draw that stuff when your Mom is staying over. ^_^

So how about you?  Did you have a nice Holiday Season?


Joe recommends: Fighting Fantasy $29.99

Joe recommends: The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road $28.99

Joe recommends: Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System $5.61

Joe recommends: A Boy and His Blob $50.54

Joe recommends: The Graveyard Book $10.97

2 Responses to “The Holidays”

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Hi Joe. Sounds like you had a great Holiday Season.
    My family kept it simple this year. No buying tons of gifts or going nuts. We lauded most of the Christmas gifts on my 2 year old nephew cause, you know, kids deserve a great Christmas. We then had our regular “Big Ass Family Breakfast” on Christmas morning. Lots of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, blueberry muffins, hash browns, pancakes, milk, juice, coffee, etc.
    The only thing I asked for Christmas was the 2 DVD set of Werner Herzog’s 1979 version of “Nosferatu”. My brother got that for me. I got my brother a DVD of “Hot Fuzz”. Again, just simple gifts.

    Hope to see new articles and pictures in 2010.

  • The Riddled Says:

    Your Christmas was pretty good,man. My family and I never go anywhere for Christmas…We stay at home,my son wakes me up at “Oh-dark-stupid” a.m (sometime between 3 and 5 a.m…Urgh…) every year,we open the gifts at sometime around 9…and then we feast upon a HUGE brunch;toast, eggs of any style you can name,bacon,sausage,OJ, hashbrowns,and ham. I personaly love Eggey in a Basket…Hard to make,sometimes. Some great reactions…There were happy tears,jaws hitting the floor,and a racket that warranted the visit of the MP’s…That bites,having to explain that stuff to the MP that got stuck with Christmas Patrol Duty…Nothing a few butter tarts didn’t fix,though. (I’m lucky my wife knows how to bake such wonderful treats…) I got ticketed for, more or less,making a huge racket at an ungodly hour. The fine? Three butter tarts. Something tells me that next year and many years after the MP’s will drop by every Christmas…Anyone want a butter tart?

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