faster FASTER!!! – post 342

It’s Valentines Day!

Now I ask you, on this day of days are you far away from your loved one? Wishing you could be there to gently caress and massage those oh so tender and sensitive areas of your special someone? Well, now you can, thanks to some clever thinking on… someones part. Because there is now an Xbox Community Game where you can control the rumble feature of someone else’s controller via the internet… and they can control yours. Oh yeah… each player can control the others intensity and speed and it also supports vioce chat too. So you can hear how good you are at pushing your lovers buttons. Just make sure that both you and your partner both have an Xbox 360 and an internet connection and you’re ready to go. Oh… and a towel for your controller when you’re done. ^_^

Cost is 200 Microsoft points. I wonder if you can control two controllers in the same room on one Xbox though.

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