Sky Girls – post 29

I can now add another anime series to the list of two that I’ve watched.

Sky Girls

(actually I’m only half way though as of this writing)

It’s an anime by Konami about a team of teen girls that have been brought together to fly these mech suits and battle large creatures called WORMSs from destroying the world. Sounds pretty typical eh. ^_^

I’ve seen reviews about it and they seemed favorable plus the animation looked nice and I love chicks in mech suits. ^_^ These chicks are a little on the young side though (15 – 17) but that hasn’t stopped the show from having several shower and bath scenes (no nudity). The animation is nice and it blends well the 3D stuff with the 2D. Story wise, it takes about 1/3 of the series before the real battles start up so it’s feels a bit dragged out but they fill the gap with the girls learning to fly the mechs, discovering the truth about the program they’re in and some fan service (lots of bum shots and more bath scenes). It’s okay but not the best thing I’ve seen and the battles aren’t as pulse pounding as one would hope. The show has been fan subbed and that’s okay but I’ll have to watch it several times to follow it properly since I’m watching it at work.

Over all I’d say this one is banking on the cute girl designs of the show rather then the story and flow of the show. And to be honest… I’m cool with that.

The girls are cute ^_^

Maybe, I’ll post my thoughts about it when after I’ve watched the whole series. I gotta fill space here some how ^_^

On a finishing note, the character designs where done by Humikane Shimada. I’ve seen his art before and I’ve liked his designs so it no wonder that I was drawn to the show. ^_^ He uses the name Mecha Musume, which means mecha daughter, for his mech girl designs.

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