Online Dating – Manga Style

During my morning web surfing, I came across this book that has recently been released in Japan. It’s called A Guide to a Truly Correct Net Love Life and it gives tips and advice to online romance. What I think is truly interesting is that the guide has examples with this cute little anime girlie. I guess this book is primarily be aimed at geeks/otaku. The guide sounds like it takes it’s self pretty seriously and doesn’t really hold back with its tips like, “shaving those neckbeards, and getting clean clothes that fit you so you can appeal to your future squeeze.”It also covers general tips that everyone should know, but possibly don’t or have just forgotten.  Like email etiquette, what not to say (things like sexual preferences), business manners, don’t follow your date home, no touching, only one email per day and even some parenting tips.

They even tell you how to take a proper picture of yourself for others to see.  Gotta make sure you get your good side.

Cautionary advice is also given on how to avoid or watch out for fake accounts on these date sites.

Of course this guide-book isn’t without a little fan service as well.  Not sure what details are about the love-making, but it seems like this book is the real deal for advice so I’m sure it’s on the level.  The funny part is I think, is that once the reader gets to this part, they might head back to the internet for some more naughty drawings because those girls are safe and will never break your heart.

Over all, this book seems pretty legit and once again, Japan gets something pretty cool and unique.  I wish we would get stuff like this over here.  I wonder if the final tip is “don’t forget to hide your Kuu Pillow when you invite your date over”. ^_^

Akiba Blog

3 Responses to “Online Dating – Manga Style”

  • ExTyger Says:

    Love it! And sadly enough, I know a couple guys that could probably use it! Some friends of mine have been drug around, stupidly, by their hearts, usually at the hands of internet dating.
    MAN! I’m so glad I met and married the perfect woman in college.

  • Where Did I Come From? | joe randel's art dump Says:

    […] So the other day I mentioned that we don’t get cartoon type books about sex.  Well I was wrong.  I totally forgot about this one book… two books actually.  They’re called Where Did I Come From? and What’s Happening to Me?  They’re sex education books that were published in the 70′s and they both feature illustrated cartoon nudity!  Don’t get too excited though, the characters in this book look nothing like the ones in the online dating book from yesterday. […]

  • JJ Says:

    Hmm… Not sure that the girl in those pics is old enough to use the advice in the book…. Also not sure if including that girl wouldn’t make the book more of a masturbatory tool, thus undermining the chances of it getting the reader a date. I mean, I don’t need a date, and I’m at least entertaining getting a copy of this book.

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