Let’s Buy Something Stupid

Let’s say that you’ve come across a large-ish sum of money.  Not enough to buy a car or anything, Just enough to buy you that special something you’ve had your eye on for sometime now.  Now this is totally free money.  You don’t need to spend it on anything, or anyone but yourself.  So what are some totally impractical things you might buy with this money?

I would love to own an Aliens M41-A Pulse Rifle.  They’re usually $2000-$3000 dollars, but man that thing looks so sweet.  I’m not a gun collector or anything.  I don’t own one , nor do I ever plan on owning one.  But I do loves me some Aliens.  It’s one of my favorite movies and movie creatures.  If Think Geek had any, you could buy one from them.

I’d also buy a Face Hugger plush too to go with my new toy. ^_^

I’ve also had my eye on a large figure of Jessica Rabbit.  I was it at Disney last year for close to $200 bucks.  If I had the extra money to spare and a safe way to get her home, she’d be sitting on my desk right now.  Sigh… maybe someday.

Finally, I’d buy a full sized, proper Neo Geo arcade cabinet and a crap load of games.  Metal Slug, King of Monsters, Magical Drop III.  Yeah baby… that would be the sweetest. ^_^  I’ve never priced one, but I’m assuming it would be around the $1000 dollar mark.

What would you buy?

This character needs larger linens.  Who is it?

7 Responses to “Let’s Buy Something Stupid”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    First I would jump on over to Think Geek and grab a couple of their Lightsabers. God I have been wanting one of those for so long.
    After that, maybe a new game/anime themed costume. I’ve seen the Big Daddy from Bioshock, a Gundam robot suit, or like a suit of armor. Something that looks awesome that I could go to Comic-Con in. Oh, then I would actually go to Comic-Con! lol

  • DMajorBoss Says:

    Ironically enough, I’d probably use the money to help pay some of the bills that I have. If we’re talking about “just spending it,” however, I’d probably buy Premium access to some online downloading sites to make downloading things easier.

    I’ve not too much out there that I really want for now.

  • Mike Says:

    i would buy, in this order:
    an engagement ring for my girlfriend
    a bow and arrows
    a fursuit
    and some sort of old game console like sega genesis or something like that.

    also, my girlfriends younger brother just bought a really sweet arcade game that has 60 classic games on it. it was like 500 or 600 bucks, but it isnt in good condition, so you’re probably right about the 1000 dollar price tag. its awesome though.

    • Mike Says:

      oh, and i really want a pistol of some kind, but i’m not 21 yet, so i’d have to have somebody else buy it for me 🙁 cause we arent canada and awesome, we’re usa and only sort of cool sometimes.

  • JJ Says:

    OMG! Is that pulserifle Airsoft (or somesuch)?! Cuz’, if so, sold!

    Well, as far as stupid stuff that I would blow money on…. I think #1 on my list would be a pinball machine. Not sure which one I’d get, but I’d love to have one someday. Other than that, I guess I’d be in the market for a pool table, Galaga cabinet, jacuzzi, or some nice art. Unfortunately, most of that stuff requires (pretty much) a house, so is ruled out for me at the moment. Even then, if I had a house, I’d probably spend the money on some kick-ass, but unnecessary, renovations. Stuff like a soundproofed music room, a nice den/library, or a super-secret multi-purposed room for privacy (also appropriately sound-proofed). More realistic options include a motorcycle (nothing fancy), a Yamato yf-19, and a very fine vacation for two.

  • carnell2008 Says:

    I’d totally go blueray and get the hatsuko miko concert

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Life size Crow T Robot and Tom Servo puppets from ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’ to assist me in my TV viewing.
    Every DVD I haven’t been able to buy because of lack of funds.
    M-4 carbine with extended magazines for extra ammo. You never know when a zombie apocalypse will break out.
    Unlimited account at my local comic book shop.

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